2001/02 Minna Laurrell

This CV is a temporary place-holder for Minna’s MSc Reflections:

Digital content strategist, editor and creator

Curious Mind

 – Present (7 months)

Online Communications Manager


 –  (3 years 8 months)Stockholm, SwedenWebmaster and Editor-in-Chief of www.teliasonera.com in English, Swedish and Finnish.

Social Media and Newsletter Editor

Vattenfall AB

 –  (1 year 3 months)



 –  (10 months)Magicalia is a leading UK online publisher in the online community and eCommerce sectors.

User Researcher

Oyster Partners (now LBI)


 –  (5 months)

BBC Worldwide

 –  (3 months)

Tri-lingual Trade Assistant

Promofrance Nordik

 –  (1 year)


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